I just got back on Saturday from getting my daughter from Camp Huckins in Freedom, NH. The trip up started a little rough, a few words were exchanged but it was truly nothing. If only the van had a radio that worked but "She who must be obeyed" won't get it fixed. The kids get very bored on long rides. I guess that's why I always use my Ipod when driving the "Family" van. It's really strange how much I miss the kids when they are gone. They are going to Williams burg Virginia next week. They leave on Friday in the AM. That's why this week I took off of work to spend with them.
On Monday I took them to Breezy Beach in Douglas, MA. What a money maker that place is. Simple idea get a couple of acres of lakefront property. Throw 3 water slides up, make a sandy beach and place another 35 picnic tables on the property. Add a snack bar and a game room and you are printing money. Genius Idea.
Tuesday was Gary Gygax's birthday the creator of Dungeons and Dragons. So we celebrated by playing D&D yesterday and today. Tomorrow I don't know what it holds but with my kids it will be fun.